
where Method Documentation

The where method is used to dynamically build query conditions for the backend. This method supports both simple key-value pairs and more complex conditions involving operators such as >, <, =, like, in, between, etc.


After finishing building your query attach .build() to generate it.

Method Signature

    | { [K in keyof T]?: T[K] }
    | Array<[keyof T, AllowedOperators, any]>
): this;


  • conditions:
    • A key-value pair object where each key represents a column and the value represents the condition to apply.
    • Or, an array of conditions where each condition is an array with the format [column, operator, value].

Supported Operators

The second element of the condition array (the operator) can be one of the following values:

  • "=": Equal to.
  • ">": Greater than.
  • "<": Less than.
  • ">=": Greater than or equal to.
  • "<=": Less than or equal to.
  • "!=": Not equal to.
  • "like": Pattern matching with LIKE.
  • "not like": Exclude matches with NOT LIKE.
  • "whereIn": Check if a column’s value is in a set of values.
  • "whereNotIn": Check if a column’s value is not in a set of values.
  • "whereBetween": Check if a column’s value is between two values.
  • "whereNotBetween": Check if a column’s value is not between two values.

Return Type

The method returns the current instance (this), allowing method chaining.

Usage Examples

1. Basic Key-Value Pair (Equality)

Condition where a column is equal to a specific value.

.where([["id", "=", 10]])


    id: 10

Generates the query:


2. Greater Than (>)

Condition where a column’s value is greater than the specified value.

.where([["age", ">", 30]])

Generates the query:


3. Less Than (<)

Condition where a column’s value is less than the specified value.

.where([["age", "<", 30]])

Generates the query:


4. Greater Than or Equal (>=)

Condition where a column’s value is greater than or equal to the specified value.

.where([["age", ">=", 30]])

Generates the query:


5. Less Than or Equal (<=)

Condition where a column’s value is less than or equal to the specified value.

.where([["age", "<=", 30]])

Generates the query:


6. Not Equal (!=)

Condition where a column’s value is not equal to the specified value.

.where([["age", "!=", 30]])

Generates the query:


7. Like (like)

Condition where a column’s value matches a pattern using LIKE.

.where([["name", "like", "%john%"]])

Generates the query:


8. Not Like (not like)

Condition where a column’s value does not match a pattern using NOT LIKE.

.where([["name", "not like", "%admin%"]])

Generates the query:


9. Where In (whereIn)

Condition where a column’s value is in a list of values.

.where([["id", "whereIn", [10, 20, 30]]])

Generates the query:


10. Where Not In (whereNotIn)

Condition where a column’s value is not in a list of values.

.where([["id", "whereNotIn", [10, 20, 30]]])

Generates the query:


11. Where Between (whereBetween)

Condition where a column’s value is between two values.

.where([["id", "whereBetween", [10, 20]]])

Generates the query:


12. Where Not Between (whereNotBetween)

Condition where a column’s value is not between two values.

.where([["id", "whereNotBetween", [10, 20]]])

Generates the query:


13. Multiple conditions

    ['id', 'in', [10, 50, 100, 20, 30]],
    ['name', '%like%', "%john%"],
    ['status', '=', "active"],

Summary of Generated Queries

ConditionGenerated QueryDescription
["id", =, 10]where[id]=10Exact match (Equality)
["age", >, 30]where[age][>]30Greater than operator
["age", <, 30]where[age][<]30Less than operator
["age", >=, 30]where[age][>=]30Greater than or equal operator
["age", <=, 30]where[age][<=]30Less than or equal operator
["age", !=, 30]where[age][!=]30Not equal operator
["name", like, "%john%"]where[name][like]=%john%Pattern matching with LIKE operator
["name", not like, "%admin%"]where[name][not like]=%admin%Exclude pattern matching with NOT LIKE operator
["id", whereIn, [10, 20, 30]]where[id][whereIn][]=10&where[id][whereIn][]=20&where[id][whereIn][]=30Column value is in a set of values (IN condition)
["id", whereNotIn, [10, 20, 30]]where[id][whereNotIn][]=10&where[id][whereNotIn][]=20&where[id][whereNotIn][]=30Column value is not in a set of values (NOT IN condition)
["id", whereBetween, [10, 20]]where[id][whereBetween][]=10&where[id][whereBetween][]=20Column value is between two numbers (BETWEEN condition)
["id", whereNotBetween, [10, 20]]where[id][whereNotBetween][]=10&where[id][whereNotBetween][]=20Column value is not between two numbers (NOT BETWEEN)