
Thank you for considering contributing to queryFi! We, well, I welcome contributions from the community to help improve the project.


This steps apply for queryfi-ts and queryfi-php

How to Contribute

  1. Fork the Repository:

    • Click the "Fork" button on GitHub to create your copy of the repository.
  2. Clone the Fork:

    git clone your-fork
  3. Create a Branch:

    • Use a descriptive branch name:
    git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name
  4. Make Changes:

    • Make your changes following the project's coding standards.
  5. Run Tests:

    • If you added a new method make sure to create a test for it in /tests
    npm test
  6. Commit Changes:

    git commit -m "feat: add new feature description"
  7. Push Changes:

    git push origin feature/your-feature-name
  8. Create a Pull Request:

    • Go to the repository on GitHub.
    • Click "New Pull Request" and follow the instructions.

Development Setup

  1. Install Dependencies:
npm install
  1. Add the package locally to your project:

    a. On your fork folder:

    npm link

    b. In your project folder:

    npm link your-package

    c. Use the package

    import { createQuery } from 'your-package';
  2. Run Tests Locally:

npm test

Issue Reporting

  • If you have new ideas or you just found something not working as expected, open an issue. 😊

Additional Notes

  • All changes must pass linting and tests.
  • Follow the project's folder structure and naming conventions.

Thank you for contributing! 🎉