
path Method Documentation

The path method dynamically injects path parameters into a URL. This is useful for building RESTful endpoints by embedding values directly into the request path.


After finishing building your query attach .build(), .get() or .first() to generate it.

Method Signature

path(key: string, value: string | number): this

How It Works

  • key: The path parameter's name.
  • value: The value to be substituted in the path, either as a string or number.

The method stores the provided key-value pair in pathParams and returns the current instance for chaining.

Use Cases

  • Resource Identification: Specify unique resource identifiers in the URL.
  • RESTful API Endpoints: Build dynamic endpoint URLs.


Single Path Parameter

query.path("userId", 42);

Multiple Path Parameters

query.path("userId", 42).path("postId", 99);

Dynamic Path Construction

const userId = 123;
const postId = 456;

query.path("userId", userId).path("postId", postId);

Summary Table

Method CallGenerated URLDescription
query.path("userId", 42)/users/42Adds a single path segment
query.path("userId", 42).path("postId", 99)/users/42/posts/99Adds multiple path segments