
path Method Documentation

The path method dynamically injects path parameters into a URL. This is useful for building RESTful endpoints by embedding values directly into the request path.


After finishing building your query attach .build() to generate it.

Method Signature

path(key: string, value: string | number): this

How It Works

  • key: The path parameter's name.
  • value: The value to be substituted in the path, either as a string or number.

The method stores the provided key-value pair in pathParams and returns the current instance for chaining.

Use Cases

  • Resource Identification: Specify unique resource identifiers in the URL.
  • RESTful API Endpoints: Build dynamic endpoint URLs.


Single Path Parameter

query.path("userId", 42);

Multiple Path Parameters

query.path("userId", 42).path("postId", 99);

Dynamic Path Construction

const userId = 123;
const postId = 456;

query.path("userId", userId).path("postId", postId);

Summary Table

Method CallGenerated URLDescription
query.path("userId", 42)/users/42Adds a single path segment
query.path("userId", 42).path("postId", 99)/users/42/posts/99Adds multiple path segments